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Amblyopia Treatment
for Adults

Amblyopia, though often considered a childhood condition, affects adults worldwide. ReFocus Eye Health in Meriden provides comprehensive solutions for adults struggling with amblyopia, offering tailored treatments to restore visual function and improve quality of life.

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Amblyopia Explained

Amblyopia, often referred to as lazy eye, is characterized by decreased vision in one or both eyes due to abnormal development during childhood. At birth, vision is rudimentary, but as the brain learns to see through neural pathway development, it processes visual input from the eyes. However, if this developmental process is interrupted, vision does not develop normally, and the brain learns to interpret visual input as blurry. This condition results in decreased vision that cannot be fully corrected with glasses, especially in adulthood.

Causes of Amblyopia in Adults

Amblyopia in adults can be caused by:

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Refractive Errors

A large uncorrected refractive error during childhood. This is called refractive amblyopia.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Strabismus

Misaligned or crossed eyes affecting binocular vision.

arrow-circle-right-3 arrow-circle-right-3-light Structural Issues

Sensory amblyopia occurs due to structural issues within the eye, like cataracts, corneal scars, and ptosis (droopy eyelid).

Adult Amblyopia Treatments Tailored to You

Our Meriden practice provides advanced treatments for amblyopia, including surgery, to enhance visual acuity and improve eye coordination.

Treating amblyopia during childhood is crucial, as it can cause permanent vision problems if left untreated. However, it’s possible to treat amblyopia in teens and adults, although it may take longer to be effective.

Our personalized therapy plans aim to strengthen the weaker eye, encouraging binocular vision and enabling you to regain functional vision. Trust us to be your partner on this journey toward clearer vision and a brighter future.

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Make An Appointment

For urgent eye issues or emergencies, ReFocus strongly recommends calling a location nearest to you. Emergency eye care may constitute any of the following: 1. vision loss; 2. different size pupils; 3. double vision; 4. bleeding from the eye; 5. Swelling; 6. eye pain that doesn't lessen on its own; and/ or 7. eye pain accompanied by a headache. If you experience any of the following issues above, we recommend that you seek immediate medical attention.

For after-hour eye emergencies, please visit your local ER or Urgent Care Center, or dial 911.

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Please Note: Many insurance deductibles reset as of January 1st. Our practice requires payment for all deductibles, copays, non-covered services, and any outstanding balances prior to your appointment at the time of check-in.